Orthodontic Treatments – Here Is What An Orthodontist Can do For you


Orthodontic Treatments – Here Is What An Orthodontist Can do For you

Here’s a reason why dentists always remind patients to take care of their teeth. Poor hygiene will only lead to episodes of pain and more expensive treatments. Your oral health mirrors the condition of the body as a whole.

When it comes to treating bad bites, jaw problems, and crooked teeth, you need to consult with another specialist – an orthodontist. Find your way to healthier, stronger, more attractive teeth with the help of our Orthodontist.orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic Care

Since it aims to improve a patient’s smile and appearance, orthodontics has been considered part of cosmetic dentistry. It includes a wide range of procedures. Orthodontics can treat the following dental conditions.

Malocclusion – Commonly referred to as a bad or improper bite, malocclusion is simply a deviation in the normal position of teeth. It is associated with having a fault with the top and bottom dental arches.

Spacing – Teeth with abnormal sizes can result in gaps. This excess of available spaces is a condition called spacing. It leads to poor aesthetics and increases your risk for gum disease.

Crowding – Opposite of spacing, crowding refers to the lack of space for all teeth to fit normally. This condition may be caused by improper eruption of teeth. Crowding makes cleaning teeth more difficult.

Patients can also visit the orthodontist if they experience speech problems, jaws that click or make sounds, difficulty of chewing, and other discomforts. No matter what age, you can seek treatment if you feel the need to.

Orthodontic Treatment

When it comes to treatment, orthodontics uses various types of appliances to facilitate straightening, alignment, retraining muscles, and jaw development. It all depends on the severity of the dental

Braces – The most common dental appliance, braces gradually move teeth to their proper position. It consists of bands, wires, and brackets. They are usually adjusted monthly until the desired result is achieved.

Retainers – usually worn on the roof of the mouth, a retainer is a removable appliance that holds teeth in position after any method of realigning. It also assists the adjustment of the surrounding gums to bone changes.

Space Maintainers – A common solution for early tooth loss, space maintainers keep a space open until a permanent tooth erupts. It can either be fixed or removable. Orthodontists prescribe it to children.

Retainer and brace with white fake gum

When to Visit

Parents are recommended to schedule an orthodontic appointment for their children – no later than the age of seven. Early detection of problems is possible at this stage since the jaw is still developing.

A severe malocclusion may affect eating, talking, and keeping the oral cavity clean. What’s more, it can lower your self-esteem and confidence. If chewing becomes difficult, it’s time to visit an orthodontist immediately.

Benefits of Orthodontics

Remember, you may have to commit to one orthodontist for many years since it’s important to feel comfortable with your chosen orthodontist. After the needed treatments, you’ll see the following changes.

Better function of teeth
Long term health for gums and teeth
Freedom from jaw clicking or pain
Improved facial profile
Straight teeth and an attractive smile
Cleaning of teeth becomes easier

Don’t let crooked teeth and bad bites take over your oral cavity. With the right dental health services, you can boost your confidence like never before. With a trusted orthodontist, achieving a winning smile is easier.

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